Monday, June 17, 2013

Growing up

It was amazing to have a chance to serve the people in Batam. and the special things about it that we serve kids.

This is not my first time went for mission trip in batam. but last saturday is my first time with a big number of kids. what I can say its really tiring. it's already monday, but I still feel so tired. my legs pain.

Gosh.. but well, what have I learn during this trip?? I was being reminded about children. and I was reminded about a picture of Jesus with children. God wants children to come to Him. to know Him, to talk to Him and also to listen to Him. that what God wants from us as an adult. 

But there is a doubt that come into people's minds. why when we are just know God, GOd seems so near. what we asked He make it ready for us. He answered prayer. we are like His favorite. but now... He seems so far, dont answered my prayer fast, and even sometimes i feel alone.

I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready.
1 Cor 3:2

This verse suddenly pop up into my mind. and I was reminded the cycle of human since they born till they grow up.

First stage, baby become the center of the parent life. parent make sure baby wont get hungry, wont get uncomfortable. when the baby cry, the people surround him will try to fix what is not rite. they eat liquid food for easy digestion.

Second stage, as the baby grow, parent will teach the baby on how to be independent. learn how to walk. learn how to grab the milk bottle, learn how to tell the parent if they want to pee. parent still play big role to help them with daily routine. they start to take not so solid food.

Third stage, kids learn how to play. they are not so dependent in term of walk, sleep, play, eat. they know how to do it. parent just need to observe from far. and make sure they know what they are doing. Parent guide them through. they can eat solid food but the food intake still watch by parent coz they do not know the impact of the food.

Fourth stage, i will jump to when the baby grown up to be an adult. they can do whatever they want. they are expected to be independent. not only for what food they take. but also how to find food. they start to "suffer" to find food. because they can find their own food.

when i try to reflect on this 4 stages. i try to relate this with the verse that paul said. in our spiritual walk with God, we also go through stages. when we know

Christ, life seems so nice. but as we grow, we learn how to know Him. not taking him for granted. so when i look back and i think about why some of older christian can feel alone. especially when they question God, but found no answer. could be God asking us to grow up and learn to apply what he had teach us and do always come back to Him for advise or any counseling.

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