Sunday, May 26, 2013


I just back from my hometown in Palembang. Next month there is election for the governor in South Sumatera area.
You can see a lot of banner on the road, and every party try to put their candidate poster in every corner of the city even kampong. They state their promise to the public, they put their picture of them with the needy people. Everything look so nice and sweet.

People talked about it. They talked about the current governor which not doing his duty well and even not visualise their promises.

During my way to the airport back to Batam (I took flight from Palembang to batam then took ferry to SG), my mum gave a comment which make me think of myself.
"All the candidate will put their best pose of helping people during this time to win people heart. but once their elected, they won't care about people anymore. "

I paused for a moment and think about me and Y. Many times, I tried to give a lot of promises to Y when im in need. I promised Him that i will be a good girl. i will behave, i will do my devotion, i will pray, i will never skip my service, and the promises go on and on. But when i get what i want or if im not in desperate mode, i tend to forget all my promises. And even i will compromise with it.
I feel Im no different with all the candidate for the election. I just want the blessing but not the hard work.

The governor want the authority, want the facility, want the money, but some of them forgotten their real duty. their real calling of governor.

We as a christian, want the title of God's children, want the blessing, want everything from God, but we tend to forget our calling as His children.

Yup, i learn to see God not as an object of blessing over my life. but learn to see Him as God and savior.

Monday, May 20, 2013

He is the center

It was just a usual LG that night where we had sharing time, P&W, and also teaching. But during the P&W, there was something changes my perspective about me and Him. The theme during the P&W was God is our protector. He will help us through in all circumstances that we face.

Well, it true. I believe that He can do that. Or I can say it’s very easy for Him to do that. Then suddenly there was a voice in my heart asking myself,

“All this while we focus on how God can help us. How God can please us. And often or not we are trap of coming to church or coming to God because we want Him to please us. Let it through helping us in our situation, refresh us once again, and give us the peace and joy. But is that all what is the Christianity all about? Is that all the relationship between our life and God is all about?”

In the bible, there are many times mentioned that God close to those who pleases Him.

What??? Are not those who call upon His name??

That night I was learn that we need to please him.

The following night during my devotion, I was reminded of a song “Jesus is the center of it all”. Then in my devotion material talking about paradigms where it mention that people thought that all the planet in the universe revolve around earth. But the fact that earth revolves around sun. It was so controversial during that time because what they believe has been turning upside down.

I was imagining how the sun be the center of this Milky Way. Where earth not center of it.

In the lyric of Jesus be the center

Jesus at the center of it all
Jesus at the center of it all
From beginning to the end
It will always be, it's always been You Jesus

Jesus at the center of it all
Jesus at the center of it all
From beginning to the end
It will always be, it's always been You Jesus

Nothing else matters, nothing in this world will do
Jesus You're the center, everything revolves around You
Jesus You, at the center of it all
The center of it all

Jesus be the center of my life
Jesus be the center of my life
From beginning to the end
It will always be, it's always been You Jesus

Nothing else matters, nothing in this world will do
Jesus You're the center, everything revolves around You
Jesus You
Nothing else matters, nothing in this world will do
Jesus You're the center, everything revolves around You
Jesus You

From my heart to the Heavens
Jesus be the center
It's all about You
Yes it's all about You

So Jesus be the center of Your church
Jesus be the center of Your church
And every knee will bow
And every tongue shall confess You Jesus, Jesus
Say His name, Jesus, Jesus...

From my heart to the Heavens
Jesus be the center
It's all about You
Yes it's all about You

And when I try to relate the song and what I had read and also what I had learned on the LG night itself, I can see the bigger picture.

So here the conclusion that I can make.

Many times I always tot that God should please me. He should help me in my problem, He should provide me with my need, and He should clear my path so that I will walk with Him.

But it is not. He should be the focus. We should revolve around Him. He is the Sun of our life. We need Sun. Sun does not need earth. But earth does.

Are we going to stay in the stage where we just wait till God disappear from our life than we know that we need Him? And we should please Him. We should please Him like how when a guy tries to please his “aim” GF who he wants to win her heart. We want to please Him as we want to please our boss, our parent, the president who we know they have some power over our life.

Some people might question: “then what is it about the Love of God?”

What life that we have right now is the Love of God. Even though now when we think highly about ourselves, He gives us the chance to know the truth. Though earth think that sun revolves around him, but sun continue to give his light to the earth.

It will start from my heart to revolve around Him.