Tuesday, May 12, 2015


For all my friends some of you had knew that currently im pregnant. As i write this blog im in my 24 weeks pregnancy. Yes another 16 weeks to go. 😊

And its a boy.... 

For the name wise, Papa already have in mind but mama still trying to find a better one. 😝

Anyway, during this pregnancy I had learn to be more patient and also not to judge people. 
As we know in singapore most of us using public transport which is bus or MRT. For pregnant lady as me this 2 public transport cant say very convenience but as compare to Indonesia, i cant ask for more. 
I decided to take bus every morning coz to take MRT from toa payoh i really need to squeeze in which before the pregnancy I already not so comfortable. But most people advise me to take MRT instead of bus coz bus MRT slightly stable than bus where the driver like to sudden break. 

During my almost 3 more months taking public transport, only recently people can notice that the tummy is not fat, but there is baby inside. 😆 well i cant blame coz its true that my tummy didnt so obvious. 
But eventhough it is very noticable that im pregnant not many people will offer me a seat. Many times in my heart i want to curse them and even judge them. I was trying to put the world around me should be fair. But in the end i found that its not like what i expect. Sometimes i will try to corner the people who dont want to give their seat for me though they seat at the priority seat. 

One fine day OTW back from office, i took MRT, again no people offer me a seat and I prepare myself to judge some people, but suddenly He nudge me and i realise that in this pregnancy I building up negative tought towards people. Which many people advice me to be happy to be positive during the pregnancy. Ooo owww, i already give a bad influence to my baby even before he is born. 

And i realise not only about how i think about people during the travel to office or back home but many things that i should do to build up my character to give a legacy to my kids. The next generation is in our hand, so how r we going to act? 

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